
As an Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) congregation, we are governed according to the pattern of elders seen in the Old and New Testaments. Our governance does not follow a hierarchical model (by bishops) or a congregational model (by members). Rather, Biblically qualified elders are recognized through congregational election and, along with ministers, rule the church corporately. This ruling body is called the Session. Beyond the local church, our denomination governance includes a regional presbytery and the national General Assembly. Local churches send elders as representatives to meetings at the regional and national levels.


Moderator - Dr. Walter Taylor

Class of 2025 - Ken Eagle (Finance);  Mary Margaret Carman (Missions);  Charles Bogardus (Nurture & Education)

Class of 2026 - Patricia Bressler (Clerk);  Bill Neeb (Personnel);  David Paxton (Outreach)

Class of 2027 - Brenda Hall;  Dirk Mroczek;  Sandi Scott

The Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons, or Diaconate, refers to a group of individuals who are ordained to a ministry of service, compassion, and care within the congregation and the broader community.  Deacons typically assist with the practical needs of the church, including:  Caring for the sick, needy, assisting with communion & worship, managing charitable activities,  stewardship and facility maintenance.  The role of deacons can vary between Presbyterian congregations, but their core mission is always rooted in service. The Diaconate works in conjunction with the Session, which is the governing body of the church led by ruling elders and ministers.

The Diaconate

Moderator - (To Be Announced)

Recording Clerk - Dorothy Crawford

Class of 2025 - Alison Pickard (Birthdays);  Marshall Scott (Property);  Penny Howard

Class of 2026 - Dorothy Crawford (Recording Clerk);  Jim Gerlach (Technology);  Bob Wydra (Property)

Class of 2027 - Richard Davis;  Tom Jarvis,  Kent Winrich