Sermon Schedule for March

sunday, february 23

listen to him!

Matthew 17:1-13

Jesus takes the inner circle of his disciples–Peter, James, and John–up a mountain and reveals himself to them in what we call “The Transfiguration.” What does this vision mean? What does it say to us about who Jesus Christ is, and how we are to respond to him?

sunday, march 2

on not giving offense

Matthew 17:22-27

Jesus instructs Peter to pay the Temple Tax, so as “not to give offense.” In this short passage, we learn something about the exercise of freedom and perhaps even something about Jesus’ sense of humor.

sunday, march 9
these little ones

Matthew 18:1-14

The disciples ask Jesus who is the greatest in the kingdom of God. Jesus replies by extolling the virtues of a childlike humility, and our need to train them up in the way of Christ.

sunday, march 16

second sunday in lent

The Rev. Percy Muleba, of Zambia, will preach the Word to us.

sunday, march 23

third sunday in lent

on forgiveness

Matthew 18:15-35

Jesus calls his disciples to a life of forgiving others, especially our fellow Christians. After Jesus lays down some guidelines, Peter cannot help but ask how often he must forgive his fellow believers. Jesus answers with a parable.

sunday, march 30

fourth sunday in lent

marriage and singleness

Matthew 19:1-12  

Jesus is asked a question about divorce, and his answer catches his own disciples off guard. This leads Jesus into a discussion about singleness as well.