The Gospel Message

When we read the Bible we quickly discover that each day we fail to live as our God and Creator instructs and instead break His commandments in thought, word, and deed. The reason for our disobedience is because we are born spiritually dead in the condition known as sin. We act sinfully because we are, by nature, sinners. The result of sin is misery in this life and spiritual separation from God that results in eternal suffering.

The good news of the gospel is that God so loved sinners that He sent His only Son to be the Savior of all who believe in Him. Through a life of perfect obedience the Lord Jesus Christ obeyed where we do not, and through His sacrificial death on the cross He Himself paid the death penalty that our sin deserves. Both the forgiveness afforded by Christ, and His righteous obedience are given to us solely by the grace of God and are received through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 

We can never earn God's favor, but having become recipients of God's gracious mercy we repent of our sin and turn in faith to Christ, striving to live lives of obedience, worship and service out of gratitude for what has been freely given to us.

If you have never done so, we invite you to confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of sinners and join us in worship and fellowship today.