Important Activities

Sunday School -- Starting January 12, 2025 -

The Visible Words of God

9:15am in The Disciples Room

On Sunday, January 5, we begin a new 6-week Sunday School class:  The Visible Words of God.  At least since the time of Augustine, almost 1,700 years ago, Christians have described the sacraments as the Word of God made visible.  What are the sacraments?  What makes a sacrament?  What do Reformed, Presbyterian Christians believe about the two sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper?  Why do we baptize infants?  What do we believe happens when we share in Holy Communion?  How are our views on the sacraments different from Roman Catholicism or other Protestant traditions?  These are some of the questions that we will deal with in this new Sunday School series.  Join us and bring your curiosity and questions.  1502 East Oak Island Drive, Oak Island, 9:30am 

Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30am.

Oak Island EPC enjoys a traditional worship service of hymns, Scripture readings, prayers, and confessions of sin and faith, culminating in a sermon that seeks to explain and apply a passage of Scripture.  Musically, hymns are accompanied by organ, piano, and on occasion, classical instruments. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month, and the entire service typically lasts a little more than an hour.  For an example of our order of service, please click on the Bulletin tab on the homepage.

Christmas Crafting Club

Every third Wednesday of the month, in the Disciples Room, 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

Do you enjoy needlepoint, scrap-booking, card-making, quilting, ornament-making or any other creative endeavors?  Got stalled mid-project and need some motivation to finish?  Run into a problem with your project and need some advice?  

Bring whatever craft interests you, and enjoy some laughter, snacks and fellowship.  Everyone is welcome, so bring your crafty friends.  

A Cricut Explore 3 machine (with laptop and Design Space software) is available if anyone wants to use it.  If you have any questions, please contact Rebecca Jarvis at  Letting her know if you plan to attend is helpful (so there's enough food!); but RSVP is not required.  Hope to see you there!

Women's Bible Study

Kristi McLelland - Jesus & Women: In the First Century & Now

Meets Every Monday at 7:00 PM in the Disciples Room.

Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth – braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of his cloak and hear him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”  Those words, once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you, a modern-day woman.

Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. 'Feast' on the Word of God in a fresh way through deeper understanding of the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens of reading Scripture. Discover how Jesus graciously brought justice and righteousness to women in the first-century world and how he generously lifted them out of their shame and restored their honor.

Bible Study Fellowship - 

Women's Satellite Discussion Group

Revelation: The Hope.

Wednesday Mornings at 9:30am through May 2025

For centuries, people have attempted to unlock the mysteries of Revelation. In Revelation: The Hope, we will discover that Jesus Christ is central to every prophecy, promise, and passage. Revelation gives us hope of a world made new by the redemption and restoration that Jesus offers today and for eternity.

To register. go to to create an account.  Then log in to your account, click on the Find a Group (upper right), then follow each prompt to select the Oak Island class.  For further info, contact Allison Pickard in the church directory, or through the church office - 910-278-9741.  Also see

Books & Coffee

Meets Every Tuesday at 10:00am in the Disciples Room

This is a group for everyone who likes to read and discuss books that help us grow in our faith, while enjoying a good cup of coffee or tea (and of course some goodies). The book we are discussing together is

Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation

by Nancy Guthrie.  Many Bible readers struggle to understand the book of Revelation.  But it was written to reveal, not hide, what Jesus wants us to know. And it holds out a promise to us - the promise of being blessed.  You can purchase the book on your own, or you can contact Agnes Taylor and she will provide the book to you.  This group meets in the Disciples' Room, and is moderated by the Assistant Pastor Agnes Taylor.  If you have any questions, please contact Agnes Taylor at 910-278-9741.  (You are welcome to join "mid-book"!)

Chancel Choir

Do you love to sing? The Chancel Choir welcomes singers age 14 and above to join us at 3pm each Wednesday, and gathers at 10am each Sunday to make a joyful noise! We sing SATB traditional choral arrangements and are a friendly bunch who love to sing. For info, contact Donna Winrich at 704-798-9842.

Children's Nursery - (During Sunday Worship)

Nursery care is available every Sunday for infants and children through age 4.  Our nursery is a comfortable place for them while parents attend our 10:30am worship service.  If you have any questions about the nursery program, please contact Keena Starnes through the church office at 910-278-9741.

Children's Church - (During Sunday Worship)

Children's Church is offered for children age 5 through 5th grade during the 10:30am Sunday worship service.  Children stay in worship until the Sermon and then scurry off to their own place.  If you have questions about this program, please contact our Assistant Pastor Agnes Taylor through the church at 910-278-9741.

Martha's Circle

Martha's Circle meets every second Monday, September through May at 11:00am at the church.

Martha's Circle’s purpose is to develop and grow spiritually, create a caring community within the church and in Oak Island, Southport, and Boiling Spring Lakes.  

There's a short Scripture lesson and prayer, followed by a business meeting, along with a snack & beverage.   Martha’s Circle takes its name from Martha in the Bible, who was always serving others.  Join us for meaningful ministry and Fellowship!

From the Heart

From the Heart is a group for women of all ages who are interested in service and outreach projects, both within the church and the local community.  It is the perfect group for those who are interested in hands-on activities.  The group meets quarterly at the church to make plans for the ensuing quarter.  For more information, please contact Sue Jones through the church office at 910-278-9741.

Emmaus Reunion Group

The “Walk to Emmaus” refers to the trek Jesus made with two disciples on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the day of His resurrection.  (Luke 24)  The disciples cherished the inspiring and instructive discussions they had during that walk with Christ.  For many decades, Protestants around the world have been similarly inspired to hold Emmaus Walk Retreats (sometimes called Chrysalis weekends) to explore how to live the call to discipleship.  Participants are encouraged to continue meeting after their spiritual weekend retreat for ongoing support, instruction, growth, and encouragement.  

The Emmaus Group at Oak Island EPC is a group of local people who have previously participated in an Emmaus Walk Retreat or Chrysalis weekend at some point in their lives, and meet to reinforce each other’s  core commitment to living in union with Christ in their daily lives.  Our Emmaus Reunion Group meets the first and third Fridays of the month at 8:00am at the church.  To learn more about Emmaus Walk Retreats, or local Reunion Groups in the Oak Island / Southport area, please contact Glenda Dennis at or 910-620-1842.